Monthly Archives: June 2014

Write your Autobiographical Poem without referring to yourself


1. Read Tupac Shakur’s poem “The Rose that grew From Concrete”

Tupac Shakur

The Rose that Grew from Concrete


Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack
in the concrete

Proving nature’s law is wrong it learned 2 walk
without having feet

Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned 2 breathe fresh air

Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else even cared!


2. Write your autobiographical poem, without referring to yourself, without using the words “I” or “me” — just focus on another being or object.  Write in detailed images.  In essence, become one with the other, with the object or other being, however you see it.  If you want, focus on nature.  It works.


* Thanks to poet Rosette Capotorto for teaching me this poem.